Examine the Exhibit.*** Exhibit is Missing ***Which three statements are correct?

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Examine the Exhibit.*** Exhibit is Missing ***Which three statements are correct?

Post by answerhappygod »

Examine the Exhibit.*** Exhibit is Missing ***Which three statements are correct?

A. Global Cache Block Access Latency indicates how many block transfers incurred a delay (busy) or an unexpected longer delay (congested).
B. Global Cache Block Access Latency indicates how many block transfers received blocks cached by other instances as well as blocks read from disk.
C. Global Cache Block Transfer Rate shows the total aggregated number of blocks received by all instances in the cluster over the interconnect.
D. Global Cache Block Transfer Rate is essentially a profile of how much work is performed in the local buffer cache, rather than the portion of remote references and physical reads, which both have higher latencies. E. Global Cache Block Transfers and Physical Reads shows the percentage of read operations that retrieved blocks from disk, and the buffer cache of other instances using Cache Fusion. F. Global Cache Block Transfers and Physical Reads shows the aggregated number of data blocks received by all instances in the cluster over the interconnect.
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