You work as a consultant DBA for various clients. A performance issue in one of the online transaction processing (OLTP)

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You work as a consultant DBA for various clients. A performance issue in one of the online transaction processing (OLTP)

Post by answerhappygod »

You work as a consultant DBA for various clients. A performance issue in one of the online transaction processing (OLTP) systems is reported to you and you received the AutomaticWorkload Repository (AWR) report generated in the database. The main sections of theAWRreport is shown in the Exhibits.View the Exhibit named DBTIME and note % DB Time.View the Exhibit named TIMEMODEL and note what has contributed to % DB Time.View the Exhibit named EFFICIENCY and examine the various percentages shown.Which option describes the correct understanding of the main problem?
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A. The Exhibit DBTIME shows that the DB CPU event consumed very high % DB Time, which indicates that the CPU is very slow.
B. sql execute elapsed time and parse time elapsed are consuming very high % DB Time in the TIMEMODEL Exhibit. This indicates too many soft parses.
C. hard parse elapsed time has the majority time in parse time elapsed, which is shown in the TIMEMODEL Exhibit. This indicates inadequate database buffer cache.
D. % Non-Parse CPU: and Soft Parse %: are low in the EFFICIENCY Exhibit, which shows that very few statements are found in the cache. This indicates that there were too many hard parses.
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