Organic Chemistry Maxwell presented by Macmillan Learning 3-Methylbutanal undergoes an aldol reaction to form 3-hydroxy-

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Organic Chemistry Maxwell presented by Macmillan Learning 3-Methylbutanal undergoes an aldol reaction to form 3-hydroxy-

Post by answerhappygod »

Organic Chemistry Maxwell Presented By Macmillan Learning 3 Methylbutanal Undergoes An Aldol Reaction To Form 3 Hydroxy 1
Organic Chemistry Maxwell Presented By Macmillan Learning 3 Methylbutanal Undergoes An Aldol Reaction To Form 3 Hydroxy 1 (23.79 KiB) Viewed 17 times
Organic Chemistry Maxwell Presented By Macmillan Learning 3 Methylbutanal Undergoes An Aldol Reaction To Form 3 Hydroxy 2
Organic Chemistry Maxwell Presented By Macmillan Learning 3 Methylbutanal Undergoes An Aldol Reaction To Form 3 Hydroxy 2 (20.69 KiB) Viewed 17 times
Organic Chemistry Maxwell Presented By Macmillan Learning 3 Methylbutanal Undergoes An Aldol Reaction To Form 3 Hydroxy 3
Organic Chemistry Maxwell Presented By Macmillan Learning 3 Methylbutanal Undergoes An Aldol Reaction To Form 3 Hydroxy 3 (32.95 KiB) Viewed 17 times
Organic Chemistry Maxwell presented by Macmillan Learning 3-Methylbutanal undergoes an aldol reaction to form 3-hydroxy-2-isopropyl-5-methylhexanal. Additional heating in base will form the aldol dehydration product. u 10% NaOH 5°C HO H ? Complete the mechanism for the dehydration reaction by adding missing bonds and curved arrows. Draw the aldol dehydration product in the last step. Do not delete any pre-drawn bonds, charges, or lone pairs. If you accidentally delete a vital part of the structure, use the undo button in the lower-left corner of the panel to reset the structure.

uestion 15 of 23 > product in the last step. Do not detele any pre-arawn bonas, charges, or tone pairs. If you accidentally delete a vital part of the structure, use the undo button in the lower-left corner of the panel to reset the structure. Step 1: add curved arrows. OH Step 2: complete the structure and add curved arrows. beat Attempt 7

Step 3: complete the structure of the product. HO- : 0: :0 | - н
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