Find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix, using either a cofactor expansion or the special formula for 3x3 deter

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Find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix, using either a cofactor expansion or the special formula for 3x3 deter

Post by answerhappygod »

Find The Characteristic Polynomial Of The Matrix Using Either A Cofactor Expansion Or The Special Formula For 3x3 Deter 1
Find The Characteristic Polynomial Of The Matrix Using Either A Cofactor Expansion Or The Special Formula For 3x3 Deter 1 (11.86 KiB) Viewed 12 times
Help please. I attached an example below. Don't do the example,just use it as reference.
Find The Characteristic Polynomial Of The Matrix Using Either A Cofactor Expansion Or The Special Formula For 3x3 Deter 2
Find The Characteristic Polynomial Of The Matrix Using Either A Cofactor Expansion Or The Special Formula For 3x3 Deter 2 (12.67 KiB) Viewed 12 times
Find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix, using either a cofactor expansion or the special formula for 3x3 determinants. [Note: Finding the characteristic polynomial of a 3x3 matrix is not easy to do with just row operations, because the variable λ is involved.] 034 302 4 20 The characteristic polynomial is (Type an expression using as the variable.)
Find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix, using either a cofactor expansion or the special formula for 3x3 determinants. [Note: Finding the characteristic polynomial of a 3x3 matrix is not easy to do with just row operations, because the variable is involved.] 0 14 ⠀ 103 4 30 The characteristic polynomial is -³ +262 +24. (Type an expression using λ as the variable.)
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