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Please read the below case scenario carefully and answer the related questions Please note that duplicated or typical an

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:29 am
by answerhappygod
Please read the below case scenario carefully and answer the
related questions Please note that duplicated or typical answers
will considered as plagiarism and will be graded zero. scenario A
worker at governmental electricity company was working on high
voltage electricity tower at a rural place near alkarak Provence
when suddenly received an electrical shock and fallen down from 10
meters height. The civil defense received a call to respond to the
incidence. The incidence site was about 25 km away from nearest
hospital which unfortunately doesn't contain a burn unit. The
paramedics arrived at the incidence site about 20 minutes. And the
decision has been made to transfer the patient to a specialized
hospital in Amman. Based on the above information answer the
following questions
|||. What is/are name the expected hospital of
destination the victim might be transferred to?(1