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Given:andWhich two method definitions at line n1 in the Bar class compile? (Choose two.)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:01 pm
by answerhappygod
Given:andWhich two method definitions at line n1 in the Bar class compile? (Choose two.)
Given Andwhich  1
Given Andwhich 1 (3.57 KiB) Viewed 385 times
Given Andwhich  2
Given Andwhich 2 (2.47 KiB) Viewed 385 times
A. public List<Number> foo(Set<String> m) {...}
B. public List<Integer> foo(Set<CharSequence> m) {...}
C. public List<Integer> foo(TreeSet<String> m) {...}
D. public List<Object> foo(Set<CharSequence> m) {...} E. public ArrayList<Integer> foo(Set<String> m) {...} F. public ArrayList<Number> foo(Set<CharSequence> m) {...}