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Evaluate the following SQL statements that are issued in the given order:CREATE TABLE emp -(emp_no NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:11 am
by answerhappygod
Evaluate the following SQL statements that are issued in the given order:CREATE TABLE emp -(emp_no NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT emp_emp_no_pk PRIMARY KEY,enameVARCHAR2(15),salary NUMBER(8,2),mgr_no NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT emp_mgr_fk REFERENCES emp);ALTER TABLE emp -DISABLE CONSTRAINT emp_emp_no_pk CASCADE;ALTER TABLE emp -ENABLE CONSTRAINT emp_emp_no_pk;What would be the status of the foreign key EMP_MGR_FK?

A. It would be automatically enabled and deferred.
B. It would be automatically enabled and immediate.
C. It would remain disabled and has to be enabled manually using the ALTER TABLE command.
D. It would remain disabled and can be enabled only by dropping the foreign key constraint and re-creating it.