In the paragraph below, two statements each contain a pair of terms enclosed in parentheses. Determine which term correc

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In the paragraph below, two statements each contain a pair of terms enclosed in parentheses. Determine which term correc

Post by answerhappygod »

In the paragraph below, two statements each contain a pair of terms enclosed in parentheses. Determine which term correctly completes each statement. Then select the answer choice that contains the two terms you have chosen.
A formulary lists the drugs and treatment protocols that are considered to be the preferred therapy for a given managed population. The Fairfax Health Plan uses the type of formulary which covers drugs that are on its preferred list as well as drugs that are not on its preferred list. This information indicates that Fairfax uses the (closed / open) formulary method.
In using the formulary approach to pharmacy benefits management, Fairfax most likely experiences (higher / lower) costs for its members' prescription drugs than it would if it did not use a formulary.

A. closed / higher
B. closed / lower
C. open / higher
D. open / lower
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