If the Oconee Health Plan reimburses its specialty care physicians (SCPs) under a typical retainer method, then Oconee p

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If the Oconee Health Plan reimburses its specialty care physicians (SCPs) under a typical retainer method, then Oconee p

Post by answerhappygod »

If the Oconee Health Plan reimburses its specialty care physicians (SCPs) under a typical retainer method, then Oconee pays SCPs:

A. A separate amount for each service provided, and the payment amount is based solely on a resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS)
B. A specified fee that remains the same regardless of how much or how little time or effort is spent on the medical service performed
C. A set amount each month, and Oconee reconciles its payment at periodic intervals on the basis of actual utilization
D. A set amount of cash equivalent to a defined time period's expected reimbursable charges
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