The provider contract between the Regal Health Plan and Dr. Caroline Quill contains a type of termination clause known a

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The provider contract between the Regal Health Plan and Dr. Caroline Quill contains a type of termination clause known a

Post by answerhappygod »

The provider contract between the Regal Health Plan and Dr. Caroline Quill contains a type of termination clause known as termination without cause. One true statement about this clause is that it:

A. Requires Regal to send a report to the appropriate accrediting agency if the health plan terminates Dr. Quill's contract without cause
B. Requires that Regal must base its decision to terminate Dr. Quill's contract on clinical criteria only
C. Allows either Regal or Dr. Quill to terminate the contract at any time, without any obligation to provide a reason for the termination or to offer an appeals process
D. Allows Regal to terminate Dr. Quill's contract at the time of contract renewal only, without any obligation to provide a reason for the termination or to offer an appeals process
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