The Octagon Health Plan includes a typical indemnification clause in its provider contracts. The purpose of this clause

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The Octagon Health Plan includes a typical indemnification clause in its provider contracts. The purpose of this clause

Post by answerhappygod »

The Octagon Health Plan includes a typical indemnification clause in its provider contracts. The purpose of this clause is to require Octagon's network providers to:

A. Agree not to sue or file claims against an Octagon plan member for covered services
B. Reimburse Octagon for costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred by the health plan as a result of a provider's actions
C. Maintain the confidentiality of the health plan's proprietary information
D. Agree to accept Octagon's payment as payment in full and not to bill members for anything other than contracted copayments, coinsurance, or deductibles
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