Dr. Eve Barlow is a specialist in the Amity Health Plan's provider network. Dr. Barlow's provider contract with Amity co

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Dr. Eve Barlow is a specialist in the Amity Health Plan's provider network. Dr. Barlow's provider contract with Amity co

Post by answerhappygod »

Dr. Eve Barlow is a specialist in the Amity Health Plan's provider network. Dr. Barlow's provider contract with Amity contains a typical most-favored-nation arrangement. The purpose of this arrangement is to:

A. Require Dr. Barlow and Amity to use arbitration to resolve any disputes regarding the contract
B. Specify that the contract is to be governed by the laws of the state in which Amity has its headquarters
C. Require Dr. Barlow to charge Amity her lowest rate for a medical service she has provided to an Amity plan member, even if the rate is lower than the price negotiated in the contract
D. State that the contract creates an employment or agency relationship, rather than an independent contractor relationship, between Dr. Barlow and Amity
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