You start a new job where NPM is already in use. As soon as you are added to the alert list, you begin receiving “high t

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You start a new job where NPM is already in use. As soon as you are added to the alert list, you begin receiving “high t

Post by answerhappygod »

You start a new job where NPM is already in use. As soon as you are added to the alert list, you begin receiving “high traffic utilization” alerts from a handful of interfaces.
When you check the alert, the traffic spike has ended. Your new colleagues advise you to ignore these alerts because the spikes rarely last for more than a couple of minutes and are only a concern if they last longer.
How should NPM be modified so you receive fewer false alerts?

A. Configure the alert so that it triggers only when traffic utilization remains high for a sustained period
B. Configure the alert so that it resets only when traffic utilization remains high fora sustained period
C. Increase the status polling frequency on the problematic interfaces
D. Increase the statistics polling frequency on the problematic interfaces
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