Users report that NPM performance is slow when managing devices through the Orion Web Console. You verify the SNMP trapp

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Users report that NPM performance is slow when managing devices through the Orion Web Console. You verify the SNMP trapp

Post by answerhappygod »

Users report that NPM performance is slow when managing devices through the Orion Web Console. You verify the SNMP trapping is responsible for the poor performance. How do you resolve this issue?

A. Add the devices as managed nodes to cut down on the trap messages received
B. Point the devices to a trap manager and filter unwanted messages before forwarding remaining traps to the Orion Platform
C. Reduce the number of days SNMP messages are kept in the SolarWinds Trap Viewer
D. Add an Additional Web Server to handle the load of users accessing the NPM Orion Web Console
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