A Snowflake Architect is designing an application and tenancy strategy for an organization where strong legal isolation

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A Snowflake Architect is designing an application and tenancy strategy for an organization where strong legal isolation

Post by answerhappygod »

A Snowflake Architect is designing an application and tenancy strategy for an organization where strong legal isolation rules as well as multi-tenancy are requirements.
Which approach will meet these requirements if Role-Based Access Policies (RBAC) is a viable option for isolating tenants?

A. Create accounts for each tenant in the Snowflake organization.
B. Create an object for each tenant strategy if row level security is viable for isolating tenants.
C. Create an object for each tenant strategy if row level security is not viable for isolating tenants.
D. Create a multi-tenant table strategy if row level security is not viable for isolating tenants.
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