The table contains five columns and it has millions of records. The cardinality distribution of the columns is shown bel

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The table contains five columns and it has millions of records. The cardinality distribution of the columns is shown bel

Post by answerhappygod »

The table contains five columns and it has millions of records. The cardinality distribution of the columns is shown below:

Column C4 and C5 are mostly used by SELECT queries in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. Whereas columns C1, C2 and C3 are heavily used in filter and join conditions of SELECT queries.
The Architect must design a clustering key for this table to improve the query performance.
Based on Snowflake recommendations, how should the clustering key columns be ordered while defining the multi-column clustering key?
The Table Conta 1
The Table Conta 1 (13.73 KiB) Viewed 153 times
A. C5, C4, C2
B. C3, C4, C5
C. C1, C3, C2
D. C2, C1, C3
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