A large manufacturing company runs a dozen individual Snowflake accounts across its business divisions. The company want

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A large manufacturing company runs a dozen individual Snowflake accounts across its business divisions. The company want

Post by answerhappygod »

A large manufacturing company runs a dozen individual Snowflake accounts across its business divisions. The company wants to increase the level of data sharing to support supply chain optimizations and increase its purchasing leverage with multiple vendors.
The company’s Snowflake Architects need to design a solution that would allow the business divisions to decide what to share, while minimizing the level of effort spent on configuration and management. Most of the company divisions use Snowflake accounts in the same cloud deployments with a few exceptions for European-based divisions.
According to Snowflake recommended best practice, how should these requirements be met?

A. Migrate the European accounts in the global region and manage shares in a connected graph architecture. Deploy a Data Exchange.
B. Deploy a Private Data Exchange in combination with data shares for the European accounts.
C. Deploy to the Snowflake Marketplace making sure that invoker_share() is used in all secure views.
D. Deploy a Private Data Exchange and use replication to allow European data shares in the Exchange.
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