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Jose was promoted recently as manager of a cancer care clinic, which had just expanded its hours from 6am until 11pm. Jo

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:20 am
by answerhappygod
Jose was promoted recently as manager of a cancer care clinic,
which had just expanded its hours from 6am until 11pm. Jose has
realized that staff nurses are reluctant to sign up and do quality
chart audits. He gathers information about quality improvement,
reviews the literature on motivation and incentives and discusses
the issue with other nurse managers. He continues to manage the
clinic, thinking about the information he has gathered but does not
consciously make a decision or reject new ideas. When working on a
new problem, self-scheduling for the change in hours, he realizes a
connection between the two problems.
Many nurses complain by the time they receive the schedule the
day shifts are filled. Jose tells them that he will review the
chart audits and that those nurses who regularly participate in
quality improvement projects will receive a perk. They will be
allowed to have a first choice at selecting a schedule they want to
work on a rotating basis. He discusses the plan with the staff and
proposes a 2 month trial period to determine whether the solution
is effective.
Identify the steps in critical thinking that Jose used to arrive
at the solution.