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Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame containing only the rows from DataFrame storesDF where the value

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 1:39 pm
by answerhappygod
Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame containing only the rows from DataFrame storesDF where the value in column sqft is less than or equal to 25,000 OR the value in column customerSatisfaction is greater than or equal to 30?

A. storesDF.filter(col("sqft") <= 25000 | col("customerSatisfaction") >= 30)
B. storesDF.filter(col("sqft") <= 25000 or col("customerSatisfaction") >= 30)
C. storesDF.filter(sqft <= 25000 or customerSatisfaction >= 30)
D. storesDF.filter(col(sqft) <= 25000 | col(customerSatisfaction) >= 30)
E. storesDF.filter((col("sqft") <= 25000) | (col("customerSatisfaction") >= 30))