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Slope is -0.06 and y-intercept of 10 mg/L Please do B and C, Thank you!

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:19 am
by answerhappygod
Slope is -0.06 and y-intercept of 10 mg/L
Slope Is 0 06 And Y Intercept Of 10 Mg L Please Do B And C Thank You 1
Slope Is 0 06 And Y Intercept Of 10 Mg L Please Do B And C Thank You 1 (162.21 KiB) Viewed 72 times
Please do B and C, Thank you!
After administration of a single 5mg/kg IV bolus dose of an antibiotic to a patient, a plot of plasma concentration-time profile on a semilog graph was linear with a slope of -0.06 hrand a y-intercept of 10 mg/L. a. Calculate the following parameters for this drug: Value Unit Parameter Half-life Elimination rate constant Volume of distribution Total body clearance Area under the curve b. If the minimum effective concentration of this antibiotic is 1 mg/L, what is the expected duration of action after administration of 5 mg/kg? Value Unit Parameter Duration of action c. The physician called you to increase the dose of this antibiotic to 10 mg/kg. What are the values for the parameters you calculated in a) after this new dose? Parameter Value Unit Half-life Elimination rate constant Volume of distribution Total body clearance Area under the curve