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You are the newborn nursery nurse and have been called to the labor and delivery suite to attend the delivery of a G5P4

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:18 am
by answerhappygod
You are the newborn nursery nurse and have been called to the
labor and delivery suite to attend the delivery of a G5P4 mother
whose pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes. At 2032 a
male infant weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces was delivered vaginally with
the assistance of a vacuum extractor. You have assigned Apgar
scores of 7 and 9.
Relate the assessments you need to carry out in this immediate
postdelivery time period.
Describe the nursing interventions you will perform before the
baby is taken to the newborn nursery.
After taking the baby to the newborn nursery, you notice that
the baby has developed diffuse swelling and bruising on the occiput
of his head from the vacuum extractor use. Discuss how you would
differentiate between a cephalhematoma formation and caput
succedaneum development. Which one is more serious?
When the baby is 6 hours old, you notice that he has become
jittery and is cyanotic. You check a heel stick blood sugar and it
reveals a blood glucose level of 30. Discuss the immediate nursing
interventions you will implement and what additional interventions
you can implement to prevent this from occurring again in the