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Tab Title: Case Study 2 Tab Content: Patient - Retired Administrative Assistant in her 7th decade of life. Recently wido

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:18 am
by answerhappygod
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 1
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 1 (40.32 KiB) Viewed 113 times
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 2
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 2 (40.32 KiB) Viewed 113 times
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 3
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 3 (32.03 KiB) Viewed 113 times
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 4
Tab Title Case Study 2 Tab Content Patient Retired Administrative Assistant In Her 7th Decade Of Life Recently Wido 4 (26.2 KiB) Viewed 113 times
Tab Title: Case Study 2 Tab Content: Patient - Retired Administrative Assistant in her 7th decade of life. Recently widowed, mother of 3, has 7 grandchildren Enjoys gardening Nightly glass of wine History Frequent UTIS AUTI which led to septicemia last year Depression Vital signs BP 177/94 HR 79 Ht. 54 Wt. 260 Chief complaint "I think I have another UTI because I am beginning to burn a bit when I urinate. I also am having a bad time going to sleep and staying asleep." 1. Determine what is part of the "normal" aging process, 2. Determine what is related to disease illness. 3. Identify all Geriatric Syndromes. 4. Identify at least two Geriatric Health Assessments (Try This Tools) the nurse would implement and why?
Tab Content: Patient - Retired Math and Science Teacher in her sth decade of life. Active in Church-teaches Ladies Sunday School Widowed with no living children Drives out of state to visit sister for holidays Loves hot, flavored ten with sweeteners History Diabetes Parkinson's disease Vital signs BP 160/95 HR 90 Glucose before breakfast 134 HES' 4 (used to be 5'5) WI. 165 Chief complaint "I am having problems with my vision and the ophthalmologist says my vision is changing too rapidly. I am afraid that I won't be able to visit my sister any longer." 1. Determine what is part of the "normal" aging process 2. Determine what is related to disease/illness 3. Identify all Geriatric Syndromes. 4. Identify at least two Geriatric Health Assessments (Try This Tools) the nurse would implement and why? - . 939