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As leaders you will have to know how to effectively delegate as well as problem solve. You will learn the steps to each

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:17 am
by answerhappygod
As leaders you will have to know how to effectively delegate as
well as problem solve. You will learn the steps to each process
this week. There aren't many steps but each step is extremely
important. My stance is you should be an effective problem solver
way before you become a leader. Those who become great leaders were
already great problem solvers. I sift out good potential leaders by
looking at certain skills and problem solving is one. The staff
that ask me less and figure it out themselves, if possible, are
great problem solvers. Now delegation may be something you learn as
a leader or close to being a leader if you have not had the
opportunity to do so. Great leaders often have a lot on their
plate, learning how to use your resources and delegating tasks that
will help lessen the load, reduces stress and gives responsibility
and ownership to others. Delegating tasks also helps to build your
team as their will be staff that you see great potential in from
things you have delegated to them. Those staff members you should
give more opportunity and the more opportunity you give to them,
the less on your plate. Have you had to use the delegation process,
and or problem solving process?