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Chapter 01: Nursing Today Case Study: Maylie is a new nurse graduate who is attending orientation at the local hospital.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:17 am
by answerhappygod
Chapter 01 Nursing Today Case Study Maylie Is A New Nurse Graduate Who Is Attending Orientation At The Local Hospital 1
Chapter 01 Nursing Today Case Study Maylie Is A New Nurse Graduate Who Is Attending Orientation At The Local Hospital 1 (59.61 KiB) Viewed 142 times
Chapter 01 Nursing Today Case Study Maylie Is A New Nurse Graduate Who Is Attending Orientation At The Local Hospital 2
Chapter 01 Nursing Today Case Study Maylie Is A New Nurse Graduate Who Is Attending Orientation At The Local Hospital 2 (46.08 KiB) Viewed 142 times
Chapter 01 Nursing Today Case Study Maylie Is A New Nurse Graduate Who Is Attending Orientation At The Local Hospital 3
Chapter 01 Nursing Today Case Study Maylie Is A New Nurse Graduate Who Is Attending Orientation At The Local Hospital 3 (52.31 KiB) Viewed 142 times
Chapter 01: Nursing Today Case Study: Maylie is a new nurse graduate who is attending orientation at the local hospital. Before she is assigned to a preceptor and can begin taking patients, she must attend a 2-day classroom orientation at the hospital where she learns about institution policies and procedures. Maylie is anxious to begin work in the intensive care unit (ICU) caring for patients, but she understands that part of her job is to represent the hospital in a professional manner. She cannot do this until she learns institution protocols. 1. Maylie learns about the hospital's protocols regarding bioterrorism. Which of the following are examples of public health simulation exercises that help train nurses for threats of bioterrorism? (Select all that apply.) A. Vaccine research B. Prioritization C. Decontamination D. Triage Rationale: 2. The hospital in which Maylie is employed is a large county health care facility that cares for thousands of medically underserved patients. Which of the following contribute to increases in the medically underserved population? (Select all that apply.) A. Government funding B. Mental illness C. Homelessness D. Rising health care costs Rationale:
3. Since nursing is a caring profession, Maylie does not need to be concerned about budgets and rising costs when it comes to caring for her patients. A. True B. False Rationale: Chapter 02: The Health Care Delivery System Case Study: Midge is a nursing student who works as a certified nurse assistant with a local home care and hospice service while she is in nursing school. She enjoys her work because it presents her with the opportunity to take care of a wide array of patients in their homes where they are most comfortable. As a result of her work, she has learned a great deal not only about providing care to patients but also about health care delivery systems in general Midge is assigned to the patients of one nurse, Tammy. Therefore Tammy is considered Midge's supervisor and oversees her work in addition to serving as her mentor. 1. Several of Midge's patients receive hospice care. Which of the following groups administers a federally funded hospice benefit? A. Medicaid B. Medicare C. Managed care D. Preferred provider organization Rationale:
2. Tammy explains the causes of rising health care costs to Midge and how the costs impact patient care in both the hospital and the home health setting. Acute care is less costly for patients who wait longer to seek medical treatment than for those who seek medical treatment immediately. A. True B. False Rationale: 3. Midge learns that nursing care is just one service offered in the home care setting. Which of the following are additional services or therapies offered in the home care setting? (Select all that apply.) A. Occupational B. Speech C. Respiratory D. Surgical E. Nutritional Rationale: 4. While on break one day, Tammy and Midge discuss the nursing shortage. Which of the following are causes of the nursing shortage? (Select all that apply.) A. Increased nursing school enrollments B. Aging nursing workforce C. Nursing faculty shortage D. Limited nursing school clinical site availability E. Limited nursing school available student spaces Rationale: