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1. Let X (11,,n) be a vector. Prove the following three inequal- ities. (These inequalities show that the three norms |X

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:52 am
by answerhappygod
1 Let X 11 N Be A Vector Prove The Following Three Inequal Ities These Inequalities Show That The Three Norms X 1
1 Let X 11 N Be A Vector Prove The Following Three Inequal Ities These Inequalities Show That The Three Norms X 1 (22.34 KiB) Viewed 66 times
1. Let X (11,,n) be a vector. Prove the following three inequal- ities. (These inequalities show that the three norms |X|, XJ1, and |X |2 are equivalent.) 1. [X]. < X <VnX] 2. X1, < X < VnX 2. 3. X. Xli s na Xbox where X. = | XImar.