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Euler's criteria of exactness says that a variable (here called f) is a property of a system only if 22f02f дхдудудх = 5

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:50 am
by answerhappygod
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Euler's criteria of exactness says that a variable (here called f) is a property of a system only if 22f02f дхдудудх = 5. In this problem, we will prove that volume is a property of an ideal gas. (a) Rearrange the ideal gas equation so that volume is one side and the two variables, P and T, are on the other side. a²v a²v (b) Determine and You will know that you have the problem correct if these two OT ƏPƏT terms are equal to each other. 6. Using the same process as you did in problem 5, prove that density is a property of an ideal gas. 7. Is the following total differential exact? df = (2x)(x² + y²) dx + (3y2)(x² + y²) dy