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A positive integer n is called a semiprime it n = pq for two not necessarily distinct prime numbers p and q. For example

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:48 am
by answerhappygod
A Positive Integer N Is Called A Semiprime It N Pq For Two Not Necessarily Distinct Prime Numbers P And Q For Example 1
A Positive Integer N Is Called A Semiprime It N Pq For Two Not Necessarily Distinct Prime Numbers P And Q For Example 1 (19.47 KiB) Viewed 86 times
A positive integer n is called a semiprime it n = pq for two not necessarily distinct prime numbers p and q. For example, 4=2 x 2 and 6 = 2 x 3 are semipimes, but 8 and 7 are not semiprimes Consider the following Python function which is supposed to return True if the input n is a semiprime and False otherwise 1 2 3 det sp(n): 1 - U for i in ra2, n): if ni0 1.append() return length(1) 5 G (1) Explain line by line what will happen when Python computes up (1) and ap (6) and what the output will be in both cases (1) Explain how to modify the definition of up (n) so that it returns the correct output for all positive integeran + Drag and drop an image or POFer dick to browse