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| 10 2. Simplify the following statements using the basic logical equivalences: (a) (p Vr) → Ilqv-r)) ((-p) + r)] (b) [(

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:44 am
by answerhappygod
10 2 Simplify The Following Statements Using The Basic Logical Equivalences A P Vr Ilqv R P R B 1
10 2 Simplify The Following Statements Using The Basic Logical Equivalences A P Vr Ilqv R P R B 1 (13.79 KiB) Viewed 61 times
| 10 2. Simplify the following statements using the basic logical equivalences: (a) (p Vr) → Ilqv-r)) ((-p) + r)] (b) [(p+) V ( + r)]^( rs).