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Question 5.4 (5 marks) Alice, Bob, and Charly want to use an El Gamal public key system based on the primitive root r =

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:23 am
by answerhappygod
Question 5 4 5 Marks Alice Bob And Charly Want To Use An El Gamal Public Key System Based On The Primitive Root R 1
Question 5 4 5 Marks Alice Bob And Charly Want To Use An El Gamal Public Key System Based On The Primitive Root R 1 (47.93 KiB) Viewed 74 times
Question 5.4 (5 marks) Alice, Bob, and Charly want to use an El Gamal public key system based on the primitive root r = 2 in Z, for the prime p = 10301. Alice chooses a = 123 as private key and publishes 2175 = pol mod 10301 as her public key. Bob chooses b = 321 as private key. a) Bob wants to send the message M = 1000 to Alice. What is Bob's public key, and what information will he send to Alice? b) Charly sends (10, 3) to Bob; what message will Bob recover? To get full marks, describe the individual steps for the en-/decryption.