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Classify the surface: 1- x = 3y2 + 422 O Ellipsoid O cone O Elliptic paraboloid O Plane O sphere

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:03 am
by answerhappygod
Classify The Surface 1 X 3y2 422 O Ellipsoid O Cone O Elliptic Paraboloid O Plane O Sphere 1
Classify The Surface 1 X 3y2 422 O Ellipsoid O Cone O Elliptic Paraboloid O Plane O Sphere 1 (41.18 KiB) Viewed 75 times
Classify the surface: 1- x = 3y2 + 422 O Ellipsoid O cone O Elliptic paraboloid O Plane O sphere