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A manufacturing plant has had difficulty maintaining good produc- tion rates in a catalyst plant. An experiment was run

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:12 am
by answerhappygod
A Manufacturing Plant Has Had Difficulty Maintaining Good Produc Tion Rates In A Catalyst Plant An Experiment Was Run 1
A Manufacturing Plant Has Had Difficulty Maintaining Good Produc Tion Rates In A Catalyst Plant An Experiment Was Run 1 (132.14 KiB) Viewed 88 times
A manufacturing plant has had difficulty maintaining good produc- tion rates in a catalyst plant. An experiment was run to investigate the effect of four reagents (A, B, C, D) and three catalysts (X, Y, Z) on production rates. Experimentation was costly and time-consuming. Thus, only one observation was obtained at each combination of reagent and catalyst. The observations were obtained in random order. The sums of squares for reagent, catalyst, and total were 120, 48, and 252, respectively. (a) (b) Write a complete mathematical model that would be appropriate for this experiment. Complete the ANOVA table and make appropriate inferences at a 5% level of significance. Be sure to state what hypotheses are being tested. State what plots would be of interest in this situation. For each plot, state why the plot would be of interest. (c)