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3. Your friend claims that his “lucky socks” helps him win more when gambling. To test if this charm truly is lucky, you

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:20 pm
by answerhappygod
3 Your Friend Claims That His Lucky Socks Helps Him Win More When Gambling To Test If This Charm Truly Is Lucky You 1
3 Your Friend Claims That His Lucky Socks Helps Him Win More When Gambling To Test If This Charm Truly Is Lucky You 1 (94.75 KiB) Viewed 93 times
3. Your friend claims that his “lucky socks” helps him win more when gambling. To test if this charm truly is lucky, your friend goes to Las Vegas and plays for 5 days with the “lucky socks” and for 5 days without them. His winnings are in the following table. Negative winnings mean he lost money that day. Without Lucky Socks (Group 1) With Lucky Socks (Group 2) -17 -22 -15 -18 20 25 -35 180 28 210 Group 1 mean = -3.8 Group 1 SD = 26.7 Group 2 mean = 75 Group 2 SD = 111.6 Your friend says, "My average winnings with the lucky socks is $75, but without it, my average is negative $3.80. This is proof that the charm works." Do you agree? Does this provide evidence that the lucky socks help him win more money? First: Conduct a t-test for independent samples. What is the t-statistic? A. -1.535 B. -1.865 C. -2.457 D.-3.104 4. Continuing the t-test for independent samples, what is the resulting p-value? O 0.2