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LinkedIn Skill Assessment Quiz - VBA

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:22 pm
by answerhappygod
## Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

#### Q1. Which two sets of values are printed by this function and sub?

Function GetVitals(ID As Long, Age As Long, ptional Weight As Long) As String
GetVitals="ID=" & ID &"Age=" & Age & "Weight=" & Weight
End Function
Sub ShowVitals()
Dim ID As Long, Age As Long,Weight as Long
Debug.Print GetVitals(ID:=5,Age:=20)
Debug.Print GetVitals(ID:=6,Age:=25,Weight:=130
End Sub

- [ ]

ID=5 Age = 20 Weight=
ID=6 Age = 25 Weight=130

- [x]

ID=5 Age = 20 Weight=0
ID=6 Age = 25 Weight=130

- [ ]

ID=5 Age = 20 Weight=Null
ID=6 Age = 25 Weight=130

- [ ]

ID=5 Age = 20
ID=6 Age = 25 Weight=130

#### Q2. This code shows the first statement of CalledSub. Which calling statement will work properly?

`Sub CalledSub(Surname, Age)`

- [ ] call Calledsub "smith",26
- [ ] calledsub (surname="smith", Age = 26)
- [ ] calledsub (Surname:="Smith", Age:=26)
- [x] calledsub "smith", 26

#### Q3. What is the principal difference between a class and an object?

- [ ] There is no meaningful difference. The terms are used interchangeably.
- [ ] A dass declares an object's properties. An object completes the declaration by defining events and methods.
- [ ] An object is a template for a class.
- [x] A class describes the design of an object. An object is an instance of that design.

#### Q4. What value does the MsgBox statement display?

Sub MySub(VarA As Long, ParamArray VarB() As Variant)
MsgBox VarB(0)
End Sub
Sub ShowValue()
Call MySub(10, "First arg", 2, 3.1416)
End Sub

- [ ] 2
- [ ] 10
- [x] First arg
- [ ] 3.1416

#### Q5. What object is needed to put a userform module in a VBA project?

- [ ] associated standard code module
- [ ] UserForm
- [ ] associated class module
- [ ] userForm class

#### Q6. What is the output?

Sub UseSum()
Dim TestArray() As Integer, Total As Integer
ReDim TestArray(1)
TestArray(1) = 6
ReDim TestArray(2)
TestArray(2) = 3
Total = WorksheetFunction.Sum(TestArray)
End Sub

- [ ] 3
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 9
- [ ] 6

#### Q7. The Driver subroutine is declared by Sub Driver (Y). Which statement results in a compile error?

- [ ] Driver x
- [ ] call Driver(x)
- [ ] call Driver x
- [ ] Driver (X)

#### Q8. You have several variables to display on a user form, and there are too many variables to display at once. Which control best enables the user to see all the variables?

- [ ] Frame
- [ ] multipage
- [ ] TabStrip
- [ ] ListBox

#### Q9. Below is a function named SquareIt. Which version of the subroutine named Area results in a compile error?

Function SquareIt(ByRef Basis As Integer) As Long
SquareIt = Basis ^ 2
End Function

- [ ] sub Area()

Dim Result As Long, Side As Integer
Side = 5
Result = Squarelt(Side)
End Sub

- [ ] Sub Area()

Dim Result As Long, Side
Side = 5
Result = SquareIt(Cint(Side))
End Sub

#### Q10. EmailAddress() is an array. It is declared by Dim EmailAddress(10) As String, and option Base 1 is in effect. How many rows and columns are in EmailAddress()?

- [ ] 10 rows and 10 columns
- [ ] 10 rows and 1 column
- [ ] 10 rows and 0 columns
- [ ] 1 row and 10 columns

#### Q11. Which cell is selected if you run this code?


- [ ] F5
- [x] F3
- [ ] B3
- [ ] E3

#### Q12. Which variable name is valid in VBA?

- [x] `_MyVar`
- [ ] `My_Var`
- [ ] `My-Var`
- [ ] `1MyVar`

[Reference link]( ... ming-rules)

`Use the following rules when you name procedures, constants, variables, and arguments in a Visual Basic module: You must use a letter as the first character. You can't use a space, period (.), exclamation mark (!), or the characters @, &, $, # in the name. Name can't exceed 255 characters in length.`