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TABLE 1: Length-of-stay, physician, and age of patient for 30 patients at ACME Hospital, 2004. REC  LOS DOC AGE      REC

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:11 pm
by answerhappygod
TABLE 1: Length-of-stay,
physician, and age of patient for 30 patients at ACME Hospital,
---  --- ---
---      ---  --- ---
---      ---  --- ---
  1    8   A  56       11    9   B  66       21   12   C  65
  2    7   A  52       12   10   B  77       22   13   C  78
  3   11   A  90       13    9   B  72       23   11   C  59
  4    9   A  67       14    9   B  68       24   12   C  68
  5    9   A  68       15    8   B  64       25   11   C  57
  6   10   A  82       16    9   B  66       26   12   C  65
  7   11   A  86       17    8   B  63       27   12   C  65
  8   10   A  76       18   10   B  80       28   11   C  64
  9    9   A  71       19    8   B  63       29   13   C  84
10    9   A  72       20   10   B  75       30   13   C  75
REC=subject number,
LOS=length of stay (days), DOC=physician, AGE=
patient age in
Create a frequency
distribution table for the LOS variable using the following four
class intervals: 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14. Calculate and include the
relative frequency of each class interval and include a TOTAL row
for reference.
2. You work with a small rural hospital. The hospital is losing nearly 50% on its Medicare patients due to extremely long length of stays (LOS). You randomly select 10 cases from each physician and collect information on LOS and age of patient. Your results are in Table 1 below. TABLE 1: Length-of-stay, physician, and age of patient for 30 patients at ACME Hospital, 2004. REC REC RECLOS DOC AGE LOS DOC AGE LOS DOC AGE 1 2 8 7 11 9 9 10 11 10 9 9 A 56 A 52 A 90 A 67 A 68 A 82 A 86 A 76 A 71 A 72 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 9 9 8 9 8 10 8 10 B 66 3 77 3 72 B 68 B 64 B 66 B 63 B 80 B 63 B 75 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 13 11 12 11 12 12 C 65 с 78 C 59 с 68 C 57 C 65 C 65 C 64 C 84 C 75 11 6 7 8 9 10 13 13 REC-subject number, LOS-length of stay (days), DOC-physician, AGE- patient age in years Create a frequency distribution table for the LOS variable using the following four class intervals: 7-8; 9-10; 11-12; 13-14. Calculate and include the relative frequency of each class interval and include a TOTAL row for reference.