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If Yi=B1+B2 X2 + B3 X3 + B4 X4 +ei . and .22 we are suspecting that we have the problem of autocorrelation and we want t

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:05 pm
by answerhappygod
If Yi B1 B2 X2 B3 X3 B4 X4 Ei And 22 We Are Suspecting That We Have The Problem Of Autocorrelation And We Want T 1
If Yi B1 B2 X2 B3 X3 B4 X4 Ei And 22 We Are Suspecting That We Have The Problem Of Autocorrelation And We Want T 1 (68.49 KiB) Viewed 98 times
If Yi=B1+B2 X2 + B3 X3 + B4 X4 +ei . and .22 we are suspecting that we have the problem of autocorrelation and we want to use the RUN test to detect the problem. and the series for error was as folllow , 2-, 3-, 5, 1-, 1-, 2-,6, 3-, 1-, 1-, 4, 1- , 2- 6-,3,2,1,3,7, 2- then the maximum number of runs that allow us to do regression without the problem of * autocorrelation 2 (2 نقطة) يجب أن تكون القيمة رقمآ