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10. if you are doing a regression Yi=B1+B2 X2i+Ui on sample include 6 observations you calculated the error for each obs

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:05 pm
by answerhappygod
10 If You Are Doing A Regression Yi B1 B2 X2i Ui On Sample Include 6 Observations You Calculated The Error For Each Obs 1
10 If You Are Doing A Regression Yi B1 B2 X2i Ui On Sample Include 6 Observations You Calculated The Error For Each Obs 1 (14.7 KiB) Viewed 99 times
10. if you are doing a regression Yi=B1+B2 X2i+Ui on sample include 6 observations you calculated the error for each observation and they were as follow: 2, 2, 5, -2, -3, -4, Then the tabulated upper Durbin-Watson value will equal D (2 Points) The value must be a number