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1. Consider below model that explains the number of book read in 2001. Independent variables are Age: Measured in years,

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:04 pm
by answerhappygod
1 Consider Below Model That Explains The Number Of Book Read In 2001 Independent Variables Are Age Measured In Years 1
1 Consider Below Model That Explains The Number Of Book Read In 2001 Independent Variables Are Age Measured In Years 1 (31.35 KiB) Viewed 95 times
1. Consider below model that explains the number of book read in 2001. Independent variables are Age: Measured in years, Income: Income of the family, measured in 100011 D3: Gender, 1 f Female, D4: 1 f Parents has primary school degree (the highest education level of parents is selected), 05:1 if parents has high school degree, D6:1 of parents has undergrad degree, 07:1 if the person has primary school degree, 08:1 If the person has high school degree, 09:1 If the person has undergrad degree, 010: 1 If the person is living in urban, 011:06x09, 012: Incomex09 Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.685 R Square Standard Error 7.117 Observations 33 ANOVA Significance F df SS MS F Regression Residual Total 12 20 50 656 32 1013.129 1908.970
ANOVA Significance F df SS MS F Regression Residual Total 12 20 32 50.656 1013.129 1908.970 Standard Error 12.392 0.621 1 Stat 1.449 -2.248 P-value 0.163 0.036 Intercept Income (1000 TL) Age D3 1 if w D4 1 if ilkokul D5 1 if Lise D6 1 if Lisans D7 if İlkokul D8 1 if Lise D9 1 If Lisans D10 1 If Urban D11 =D6 D9 Be = incomexD9 Coefficients 17.952 -1.396 0.160 1.642 4.312 -0.818 13.897 1.470 5.725 -16.565 -0.913 -14.166 1.794 3.646 6.175 5.839 7.537 6.531 7.296 10.815 4.365 7.004 0.701 0.450 -0.698 -0.140 1.844 0.225 0.785 -1.532 -0.209 -2.022 2.559 0.657 0.493 0.890 0.080 0.824 0.442 0.141 0.836 0.057 0.019 Lower 95% -7.898 -2.691 -0.180 -5.964 -17.193 -12.997 -1.824 -12.154 -9.494 -39.124 - 10.019 -28.776 0.331 Upper 95% 43.801 -0.101 0.499 9.247 8.570 11.361 29 $18 15.094 20.944 5.995 8.193 0.445 3.257
e. Is the model statistically significant? (4 Points) f. What is the benchmark category of D11? (3 Points) 9. Interpret D11 and B12. (5 Points) h. A researcher proposes to exclude Income and parents' education (i.e. D4, D5, D6) from the model. An auxillary regression is estimated with SST=1908 and SSE=132. Should we drop these variables? (5 Points)