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1. Consider below model that explains the number of book read in 2001. Independent variables are Age: Measured in years,

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:04 pm
by answerhappygod
1 Consider Below Model That Explains The Number Of Book Read In 2001 Independent Variables Are Age Measured In Years 1
1 Consider Below Model That Explains The Number Of Book Read In 2001 Independent Variables Are Age Measured In Years 1 (31.35 KiB) Viewed 93 times
1. Consider below model that explains the number of book read in 2001. Independent variables are Age: Measured in years, Income: Income of the family, measured in 100011 D3: Gender, 1 f Female, D4: 1 f Parents has primary school degree (the highest education level of parents is selected), 05:1 if parents has high school degree, D6:1 of parents has undergrad degree, 07:1 if the person has primary school degree, 08:1 If the person has high school degree, 09:1 If the person has undergrad degree, 010: 1 If the person is living in urban, 011:06x09, 012: Incomex09 Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.685 R Square Standard Error 7.117 Observations 33 ANOVA Significance F df SS MS F Regression Residual Total 12 20 50 656 32 1013.129 1908.970
ANOVA Significance F df SS MS F Regression Residual Total 12 20 32 50.656 1013.129 1908.970 Standard Error 12.392 0.621 1 Stat 1.449 -2.248 P-value 0.163 0.036 Intercept Income (1000 TL) Age D3 1 if w D4 1 if ilkokul D5 1 if Lise D6 1 if Lisans D7 if İlkokul D8 1 if Lise D9 1 If Lisans D10 1 If Urban D11 =D6 D9 Be = incomexD9 Coefficients 17.952 -1.396 0.160 1.642 4.312 -0.818 13.897 1.470 5.725 -16.565 -0.913 -14.166 1.794 3.646 6.175 5.839 7.537 6.531 7.296 10.815 4.365 7.004 0.701 0.450 -0.698 -0.140 1.844 0.225 0.785 -1.532 -0.209 -2.022 2.559 0.657 0.493 0.890 0.080 0.824 0.442 0.141 0.836 0.057 0.019 Lower 95% -7.898 -2.691 -0.180 -5.964 -17.193 -12.997 -1.824 -12.154 -9.494 -39.124 - 10.019 -28.776 0.331 Upper 95% 43.801 -0.101 0.499 9.247 8.570 11.361 29 $18 15.094 20.944 5.995 8.193 0.445 3.257