Assigned Patient List: A-101: 75 y.o. male client admitted with anemia is undergoing transfusion of 1 unit of PRBCs. He

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Assigned Patient List: A-101: 75 y.o. male client admitted with anemia is undergoing transfusion of 1 unit of PRBCs. He

Post by answerhappygod »

Assigned Patient List:
A-101: 75 y.o. male client admitted with anemia is
undergoing transfusion of 1 unit of PRBCs. He is experiencing a dry
cough during his blood transfusion.
Priority nursing action:
What is going on? _
What other symptoms might you see?
Delegated task:
A-102: 39 y.o. two-week postpartum female admitted with
cesarian section complications is receiving 2 units of PRBCs and is
experiencing hives and complaining of her throat
Priority nursing action:
What is going on?_
What other symptoms might you see?
Delegated task:
A-103: 28 y.o. female with history of heavy menstrual
bleeding is admitted for anemia. 1 unit of PRBCs is being infused
and upon assessment has a fever of 104F.
Priority nursing action:
What is going on?_
What other symptoms might you see?
Delegated task:
A-104: 47 y.o. male patient diagnosed with testicular
cancer and undergoing chemotherapy is admitted for anemia. During
his transfusion, he complains of abdominal pain.
Priority nursing action:
What is going on?_
What other symptoms might you see?
Delegated task:
A-105: 63 y.o. female patient with uterine cancer is
undergoing a transfusion. She is complaining of low back
Priority nursing action:
What is going on?_
What other symptoms might you see?
Delegated task:
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