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Compments in an eletrical circuit are replaced on failure Suppese each component's life time in dies can be moebe Hlad w

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:30 am
by answerhappygod
Compments In An Eletrical Circuit Are Replaced On Failure Suppese Each Component S Life Time In Dies Can Be Moebe Hlad W 1
Compments In An Eletrical Circuit Are Replaced On Failure Suppese Each Component S Life Time In Dies Can Be Moebe Hlad W 1 (114.27 KiB) Viewed 38 times
Compments in an eletrical circuit are replaced on failure Suppese each component's life time in dies can be moebe Hlad with an exponential distribution with drous my such components must be a steckte osure a of at least one for the system to be in continuous operation for at least 2500 days 2. For n=200, find P (T> 1500) lo How many probability