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Summary statistics You are required to analyze the mean, median, and volatility of each data series. You are required to

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:29 am
by answerhappygod
Summary statistics You are required to analyze the mean, median,
and volatility of each data series. You are required to use graphs
for meaningful visualization of your data series. Examining the
Behavior of the Exchange Rate Present a meaningful economic
explanation of the trend of the AUD/USD spot exchange rate. What
are the main factors that explain the changes in the value of the
Aussie dollar against the USD during the last five years? You are
required to use the relevant factors that explain the variation in
the exchange rates. These include economic factors – trade and
finance related, government intervention, political factors,
government policy regulations, etc. You are expected to spend
significant time in this section. Evaluating the Future Exchange
Rate Examine the trend of spot exchange rate and future exchange
rate. Do you find any links between these two rates? Identify
whether the future exchange rate includes a discount or premium for
each monthly period (total 60 months)? Present your result in a
table or a graph. Note that while forward rates and future rates
are not the same, you can use these terms interchangeably for this
assignment for the data limitation mentioned earlier. Testing IRP,
PPP, and IFE Using the last five years (60 data points), examine
whether IRP, PPP, IFE holds. Present your result in tabular and
graphical form. What are the implications you can draw from your
analysis about potential actions by market participants (MNCs,
Banks, forex traders)? Note: Since you will have quarterly future
rate data from public sources, you will use the linear/nonlinear
interpolation method in Excel / Number or other data analyzing
software to fill the missing data to generate monthly future rates.
If you are unsure of what is interpolation, and how to do that in
Excel / Number, please visit credible websites to take help.