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2. A sampling plan is desired to have a producer's risk of 5% and a consumer's risk of 10% at AQL-2.3 % and LQL=7.1% Fin

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:16 am
by answerhappygod
2 A Sampling Plan Is Desired To Have A Producer S Risk Of 5 And A Consumer S Risk Of 10 At Aql 2 3 And Lql 7 1 Fin 1
2 A Sampling Plan Is Desired To Have A Producer S Risk Of 5 And A Consumer S Risk Of 10 At Aql 2 3 And Lql 7 1 Fin 1 (14.9 KiB) Viewed 37 times
2. A sampling plan is desired to have a producer's risk of 5% and a consumer's risk of 10% at AQL-2.3 % and LQL=7.1% Find a single sampling plan that meets both risks for the case where: a) the producers risk is met exactly (15 points) b) the consumers risk is met exactly (15 points)