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By using Rstudio. I dont need the excetlly answer, could you just please show some idea or funtion shou be used for thes

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:12 am
by answerhappygod
By using Rstudio. I dont need the excetlly answer, could you just please show some idea or funtion shou be used for these questions?
By Using Rstudio I Dont Need The Excetlly Answer Could You Just Please Show Some Idea Or Funtion Shou Be Used For Thes 1
By Using Rstudio I Dont Need The Excetlly Answer Could You Just Please Show Some Idea Or Funtion Shou Be Used For Thes 1 (23.45 KiB) Viewed 37 times
• 3a. The svvariable in the pros.dat matrix is binary: 1 if the patient had a condition called "seminal vesicle invasion or SVI, and o otherwise. SVI (which means, roughly speaking, that the cancer invaded into the muscular wall of the seminal vesicle) is bad it it occurs. then it is believed the prognosis for the patient is poorer, and even once/if recovered, the patient is more likely to have prostate cancer return in the future. Compute a Boolean vector called has svi, of length 97, that has a TRUE element if a row (patient) in pron.dat has SVI, and FALSE otherwise. Then using sum(), figure out how many patients have SVI. • 3b. Extract the rows of pros.dat that correspond to patients with SVI, and the rows that correspond to patients without it. Call the resulting matrices pros.dat.svi and, respectively. You can do this in two ways: using the ban.avi Boolean vector created above, or using on-the-fly Boolean indexing, it's up to you. Check that the dimensions of pron.dat.avi and make sense to you.