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. . Briefly describe what a cardiac arrhythmia is, and the commonest types of arrhythmia. . Know the non-pharmacological

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:37 am
by answerhappygod
Briefly Describe What A Cardiac Arrhythmia Is And The Commonest Types Of Arrhythmia Know The Non Pharmacological 1
Briefly Describe What A Cardiac Arrhythmia Is And The Commonest Types Of Arrhythmia Know The Non Pharmacological 1 (38.66 KiB) Viewed 154 times
. . Briefly describe what a cardiac arrhythmia is, and the commonest types of arrhythmia. . Know the non-pharmacological treatments for arrhythmia, and when these would be used in preference to pharmacological management. • Describe the mechanisms of action of the anti-arrhythmic drugs • Know which arrhythmias the following drugs would be used to treat Adenosine, beta-blockers, dilitiazem, verapami, flecainide, tignocnine, amiodarone. • Outline which would be the drugs of first choice for treatment and which would be used only after other treatments have failed and why • Outline the steps in the pathophysiology of heart failure, and how these steps are interrupted by drug therapy for heart failure. • Describe the current treatment regimen for heart failure. • Describe the mechanism of action of digoxin and the drawbacks to its use. • Brielly describe the various stages of myocardial ischaemia. • Outline the non-pharmacological treatments for coronary artery disease. • Outline the current treatment regimen for stable angina and for acute coronary syndrome • Describe how beta blochers, calcium channel blockers and bitrates reduce cardiac workload • Describe the mechanisms of action of warfarin and heparin and their des • Outline the potential side effects of anticoagulants . Briefly describe how antiplatelet apunts work, and specifically how aspirin producer its antsplanet affect • Describe the role of plasmanandplan in the processored how the one actions are they Apply your knowledge of the shove in the context of the therapeutic use of