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Is Losing Weight a Fool’s Errand? Write the first two paragraphs of your essay. Your paragraphs should be about 150 word

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:37 am
by answerhappygod
Is Losing Weight a Fool’s Errand? Write the first two paragraphs
of your essay. Your paragraphs should be about 150 words in
(Paragraph 1 should be your introduction). Write a paragraph
about someone you know, or you, who went through an arduous dieting
journey, experienced the bliss of losing weight, but eventually had
a rude awakening that your body was not content at staying in its
skinny state. It wanted its Old Big Body back, and by God, it
achieved its aim. This type of introduction is an attention-getter.
You suck the reader into your subject by giving your reader a
compelling narrative.
(Paragraph 2 should be your argumentative
thesis). Write an argumentative essay that defends,
refutes, or complicates the claim that losing weight is so fraught
with insurmountable challenges that the weight-loss quest is not
only futile but presents dieters with even more physical and
psychological problems than they started out with. Address this
claim as it is presented in various forms in Alexandra Sifferlin's
"The Weight Loss Trap (Links to an external site.)," Sandra
Aamodt’s “You Can’t Lose Weight on a Diet,” (Links to an external
site.) and Harriet Brown's "The Weight of the Evidence (Links to an
external site.)." For an excellent 14-minute video, you can also
consult “Why Diets Fail” on Netflix Explained