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Below fill in the grey boxes to create a medical term and/or definition. The first 5 have been completed for you. Prefix

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:31 am
by answerhappygod
Below Fill In The Grey Boxes To Create A Medical Term And Or Definition The First 5 Have Been Completed For You Prefix 1
Below Fill In The Grey Boxes To Create A Medical Term And Or Definition The First 5 Have Been Completed For You Prefix 1 (217.4 KiB) Viewed 113 times
Below fill in the grey boxes to create a medical term and/or definition. The first 5 have been completed for you. Prefix: Root: Erythro- Hyper- Suffix: -cyte -plasia -megaly -ia -oma -Penia Hepato- Ur Carcin- Leuko- Medical Term: Erythrocyte Hyperplasia Hepatomegaly Anuria Carcinoma Leukopenia Definition: Red blood cell Excessive growth Enlargement of the liver Abnormal state of absence of urine Cancerous tumor a reduction in the number of white cells in the blood An- Hemi- -paresis Hemiparesis Muscle weakness or partial paralysis Card- Brady- Hypo- Intra- -ia -oxia -al Bradycardia Hypoxia Intradermal Chondritis Slow heart rate Low oxygen levels in tissues Derm- Chondr- -itis inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone Endo- -scope Endoscope insertion of a long, thin tube directly into the body Cyst- -ectomy Cystectomy surgery to remove the urinary bladder Poly- -phagia -orrhea Polyphasia Rhinorrhea Excessive eating and hunger. a thin, mostly clear nasal discharge. Runny nose. Rhino- www -Litho -tripsy Lithotripsy Surgical crushing of stone wu -Dys -pepsia Dyspepsia Difficult digestion -neur -algia -pnea Neuralgia Tachypnea Nerve pain Rapid breathing -Tachy www -plasty -patho -dys Pathology Dysuria Carcinogens Myocarditis Surgical repair of (blood) vessel The study of disease Painful urination Cancer causing Within heart inflammation -Carcin
-Dys -pepsia Dyspepsia Difficult digestion -neur LAAAAAA -algia -pnea Neuralgia Tachypnea Nerve pain Rapid breathing -Tachy w -plasty -patho -dys Surgical repair of (blood) vessel Pathology The study of disease Dysuria Painful urination Carcinogens Cancer causing Myocarditis Within heart inflammation Epigastric Region Pertaining to above the stomach -Carcin