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A 33-year-old man, the child of unrelated parents of Mexican descent, was examined because of a history of frequent sore

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:12 am
by answerhappygod
A 33-year-old man, the child of unrelated parents of Mexican descent, was examined because of a history of frequent sore throats and sinus headaches. Recently he had a severe bout of pneumonia and was just diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis and chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori.
Laboratory Data
Assay Patient
Blood group O
Anti-A and anti-B titer 1:2, very low
Serum immunoglobulin (mg/dL)
IgM 45, low
IgG 200, very low
IgA 23, very low
1. A laboratory result of significance to the diagnosis of this patient is:
a. Low or absent immunoglobulin levels
b. Extremely low B-lymphocyte count
c. Low T-lymphocyte count
d. Both a and b
2. When vaccinated, this man’s immune system should:
a. Recognize the vaccine as a foreign antigen
b. Mount a weak antibody response to a vaccine
c. Fail to recognize the vaccine as a foreign antigen
d. Both a and b
Critical Thinking Group Discussion Questions
1. What abnormalities are evident in the laboratory assay results?
2. Does the patient’s history suggest a genetic abnormality?
3. What kind of response would be expected from a vaccination?