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George Grayson is a 42 year old man with a highly stressful job at a large corporation. He has had recurrent episodes of

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:47 am
by answerhappygod
George Grayson is a 42 year old man with a highly stressful job at a large corporation. He has had recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, heartburn and occasional vomiting for the last two years. He describes the pain as a burning sensation. It is usually most severe just prior to meals and subsides on ingestion of a meal. George smokes two packs of cigarettes and drinks eight cups of coffee each day.
His GP orders a variety of tests, including the urea breath test, which tests positive for the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Mr Grayson is diagnosed as having a duodenal ulcer cause by H.Pylori. His GP prescribes:
Given your knowledge of this medication, explain the role of each of the medications in this treatment plan? Why is triple therapy used for treating peptic ulcers caused by H.pylori
(Note: Your answer should take into consider George's medical history and all medication received. Remember to incorporate latest evidence based practice in your answer)
Word Count: 200-300 words