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She arrives at the clinic stating, ‘I just don’t know how I can go on like this. The pain has been tolerable until last

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:34 am
by answerhappygod
She arrives at the clinic stating, ‘I just don’t know how I can go on like this. The pain has been tolerable until last night. Now it’s hurting so much!’ She is very quiet, and standing very still. She quietly states, ‘It hurts too much when I sit down’. Sarah verbalises her pain as a ‘9’ on a 1–10 pain intensity scale. Her blood pressure is 148/90, pulse is strong and regular at 92 and she has guarded movements.1. Identify some of the behaviours that indicate that Sarah has pain.2. Sarah is seeing a physiotherapist. Discuss the role of the physiotherapist in Sarah’s care.3.Discuss how Sarah’s pain may affect her sleep and rest patterns.
1. Identify some of the behaviours that indicate that Sarah has pain.2. Sarah is seeing a physiotherapist. Discuss the role of the physiotherapist in Sarah’s care.3.Discuss how Sarah’s pain may affect her sleep and rest patterns.
2. Sarah is seeing a physiotherapist. Discuss the role of the physiotherapist in Sarah’s care.
3.Discuss how Sarah’s pain may affect her sleep and rest patterns.