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18. How many daily servings of bread, cereals, rice and pasta are recommended in Canada’s Food Guide for a normal health

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:28 am
by answerhappygod
18. How many daily servings of bread, cereals, rice and pasta
are recommended in Canada’s Food Guide for a normal healthy adult?
a) 1 - 2 b) 3 - 5 c) 6 - 8 d) 9 - 12
19. How many fruit and vegetable servings are recommended each
day in Canada’s Food Guide for a normal healthy adult? a) 1 - 2 b)
3 - 5 c) 7 - 10 d) 11 - 20
20. How many servings of milk and alternative products are
recommended each day in Canada’s Food Guide for a normal healthy
adult? a) 2 - 3 b) 5 - 7 c) 9 - 10 d) more than 10 21. How many
servings of meats and alternatives are recommended each day in
Canada’s Food Guide for a normal healthy adult? a) 2 - 3 b) 6 - 8
c) 8 - 10 d) 12 - 15
22. When feeding a client with swallowing problems, how full is
the teaspoon? a) 1/3 b) 2/3 c) 3/4 d) full
23. Adult fluid requirements for normal fluid balance are about:
a) 500 ml daily b) 1000 ml daily c) 2000 ml daily d) 3000 ml
24. If fluid intake is greater than fluid output, body tissues
may swell with water. This is called edema: a) True b) False 34. A
reason for a person requiring a gastrostomy tube may include: a)
Inability to swallow b) Inability to void c) Inability to chew d)
Both a and c
35. The inhalation of food or fluid into the lungs is called: a)
Dysphagia b) Deglutition c) Aspiration d) Aphasia